Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is it spring time yet?

so as i write, the weather is actually pretty nice for february, but i still can't help but long for warm weather and long days. the darkness absolutely kills me (though it is much worse for nick, leaving for work in the dark and returning from work in the dark). thank goodness we don't live in alaska :). my husband tells me i am suffering from some spring fever, which i can't help but to agree with. maybe it's because we didn't take our annual trip to a tropical oasis this year.

it has been a busy week at work...which is really a good thing, but i feel like i haven't been able to sit and breathe. yesterday i went to a round table discussion for the school district to discuss what are important skills in my industry. i sat at the agriculture, natural resources and environment table...for a person who works at a coal company, a little off base, but whatever. it was interesting and i was very impressed with the student moderators who were quite well spoken.

today i am going to the north antelope rochelle mine for a meeting. NARM is the largest surface coal mine in the world. it is quite an operation and very impressive to see.

my dogs are acting like holy terrors. remy likes to run back and forth at full speed from the living room to the gets kind of scary when he really gets going! and then they wrestle. i can handle the wrestling, but the noise that comes with it is ungodly. i can't stand it! so finally after some scolding, they are laying down looking forlorn. here's how they look when they're behaving!

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